Dating can be hard. Especially when your date happens to be a raging kleptomaniac, or a member of CIA, or a mime. Check Please follows a series of blind dinner dates that couldn’t get any worse — until they do. Could there possibly be a light at the end of the tunnel?
Short comedy in English performed by grade 12.
Cast: Barlay Rita, Gundel Tamás, Szalay-Bobrovniczky Janka, Bodnár Bulcsú, Steiner Gréta, Szita Botond, Meszleny Cili, Marczell Panka, Rajkai Eszter, Czike Márk, Zábó András, Szalai Petra, Panágl Márton, Bíró Johanna. Musician: Lukács Levente
Technician – Göncz Gáspár.
Poster created by Szalai Petra
Language supervisor – Kovács Petra.
Directed by Széll-Rózsa Szilvia